At an elaborate Kremlin ceremony attended by some 2,000 dignitaries, Mr. Putin placed his hand on a copy of the constitution and swore to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of the people. 有大约2000名政要参加了在克里姆林宫举行的精心设计的就职仪式。普京将手放在宪法上面宣誓说,尊重并捍卫人民的权力和自由。
You must provide a copy of the GPL with the program, so that the recipient is aware of his rights under the license. 您必须随程序提供一份GPL的拷贝,以确保接受者了解其在此协议下的权利。
Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. 任何试图以其他方式进行复制、修改、再授权或者发布本程序的行为均为无效,并且将自动终止您基于本授权所得享有的权利。
To copy a file from an unprotected location to a protected location, the file retains the less restricted rights. 将文件从不受保护的位置复制到受保护的位置时,该文件仍将保留限制条件较少的权限。
At last, it concludes that the combination of broad-cast flag and link protection technology, copy control technology, will build an open digital rights management system. 最后总结提出,广播标记技术结合家庭网络中的连接保护技术和拷贝控制技术,可以构成一个现阶段开放的数字电视版权管理系统。
The Europeans hopefully do not get so desperate that they sell high tech stuff to the Chinese who will just copy it and ignore intellectual property rights as usual. 欧洲人如此铤而走险向中国出售高科技东东,而中国还是一如既往的单纯复制且毫不理会知识产权问题。
A copy of this Notice must also be served on the Registrar of Plant Variety Rights. 本上诉通知书的副本亦须送达植物品种权利注册处处长。
This media file's Digital Rights prevent the content from being opened. Obtain a new copy of the file with valid rights. 此媒体文件的数字权利阻止了内容的播放。请通过有效的权利获取此文件的新副本。
Li Wei believes that the provision has a "clear discrimination", this is the thinking for themselves and for their families to buy a copy of ease, but such rights do not belong to him. 李伟认为该条款有着“明显的歧视”,本是想着为自己、为家人买一份放心,可是这样的权利不属于他。
On line publication of periodicals facilitates the spread and utilization of information, but it also brings a serious of new problems to the protection of copyright, for instance unlawful copy, modification, and imbalanced rights and interests. 期刊上网有助于信息的传播和利用,但也带来著作权保护的一系列新问题。
The starting point that the Chinese trade unions copy with SA8000 should include to keep the advantage of labor force price, safeguard more employment opportunities and improve labor conditions, and keep a balance between protection of laborers 'rights and interests and China's economic development. 如何在保持劳动力价格优势、保障更多就业岗位与改善劳动条件、维护劳动者权益之间取得符合中国经济发展水平的平衡,是工会应对SA8000策略的出发点。
Exploring the Problems of Copy Rights on the Network 网络中版权若干问题探析
This paper analyses and explores, from both aspects of copy right protection and limitation, how digital libraries can best protect copy rights, and proposes that such libraries be given legal permission in certain areas and allowed to reasonably utilize the library information. 从版权的法律保护与限制两个方面对数字图书馆版权保护进行了分析和探讨,提出应给予数字图书馆一定范围的合理使用和法定许可。
In the paper, the proprietorship of different types of information goods in the process of making is discussed based on national copy rights law. 本文依据国家著作权法的精神对网络信息物品形成过程中的各种知识产权关系作了探讨。
Concerning the infringement of copy rights in the net, ISPs might bear the liability of direct tort, joint tort and agency tort. 对于网络版权的侵权,网络服务提供者可能承担直接侵权责任、共同侵权责任、代理侵权责任。
By using the technology of video copy detection, we can effectively find out the copy of digital video to protect intellectual property rights, percolate and sort the results of video retrieval, or supervise the copyrights of a digital video and its broadcasting conditions. 采用视频拷贝检测技术可以快速有效地找出数字视频的拷贝进行版权保护,对视频信息检索得到的结果进行过滤和排序,或者监测一段数字视频的版权和播出状况等。
At the same time, the computer network technology in an unprecedented way to change information dissemination, copy speed and frequency of the mode of transmission caused by work, the protection of the rights and limited Infringement and tort liability to determine a range of issues. 与此同时,计算机网络技术以一种前所未有的方式改变了信息传播、复制的速度和频率,引发作品的传播方式、权利的保护与限定及其侵权的认定与侵权责任的确定等一系列的问题。
Digital television, VOD, Electronic Commerce are going to our families. On the same time, pirated copy, intellectual property rights infringement to the producer and consumer is more and more rampant. 数字电视,视频点播,电子商务越来越多的走进了千家万户,与此同时,出于各种目的的盗版,知识产权侵犯和对生产者、消费者合法权益的侵害日益猖獗。
General personality right system is not dreamed up or copy can be, it needs to take into account the reality of our national conditions, to design a system suitable for China general personality rights. 一般人格权制度的设计不是凭空想出或是照搬照抄即可,它需要考虑到我国的现实国情,设计出一个与我国国情相搭配的一般人格权制度。
The designed model can ensure the correct usage of digital content whether it is online or not. So it prevents from illegal copy and distribution, and protects effectively rights of digital content. 数字内容不论是在线状态还是离线状态,此模型都可以保证数字内容的安全使用,防止非法拷贝扩散,为数字内容提供版权保护。
Because of network information massive share, copy simple and low-cost, network copyright infringement is very common and current. Violations of these rights seriously infringed upon the legitimate rights and interests of the network of copyright holders, affected the enthusiasm of their activity. 由于网络信息海量共享、复制简便成本低廉的特点使网络著作权侵权行为极为普遍和盛行,这些侵权行为严重侵害了网络著作权人的合法权益,影响了其创作的积极性。